Thursday, July 31, 2008

Short Sale

Short Sale

Have you ever had one of those phone calls that make you shake your head indisbelief? I had one this afternoon. A local home buyer called wanting a"short sale expert" to help her buy a short sale property.I asked her why a short sale? Her reply was, "because they are greatdeals. I can get a home for really cheap." I then asked her why she thought short sales were better deals thatnon-distressed listings and her reply was, "Because I have seen thelistings". She hung up on me while I was explaining that a list price is notnecessarily the price a lender will accept for a Short Sale and that ShortSales are not a "steal of a deal" but that lenders will want fair marketvalue for these homes.This conversation made me realize just how uneducated the public and manyRealtors are on the topic of Short Sales.Here is food for thought:1. The short sale listing agent may not be listing the property at arealistic price for a short sale. Banks are not obligated to accept anyoffer, no matter what the listing price is.2. Banks are taking a loss from past market values, so they want currentmarket value in the sale, even if it is at the bottom of market value, itwill still be market value. They will be ordering a third party BrokerPrice Opinion, so they will not be basing their decision on the word of thelisting agent.3. If the bank is willing to discount the property to an extreme value, itmeans that the property probably needs a lot of work to make it livable.4. There are usually better "steal of a deal" from a seller who has equityand willing to negotiate to move quickly.Think twice before you think or believe that Short Sales are a Great Steal.Some can very fair but I don't think the majority of short sales are thesteal that this buyer was thinking of.For more information on short sales or for assistance with buying or selling Dallas area Real Estate, call Peter Wu, AAA Realtors, 214-682-8888 or visit

Texas Number 1 in the Nation !!!

Despite the various ways in which homeowners can enhance their home's value, perhaps none has the same impact as a brand new coat of paint. Although it's not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination, it makes sense when you consider that a few $20 cans of paint can result in adding hundreds or even thousands of dollars to your property value.
As your real estate professional, I can help you through the selling process with any questions you may have. Call or email me today! 214-682-8888 Peter Wu

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wealth Management

(214) 682-8888 Peter Wu


Thoughts on wealth management
Creating wealth takes discipline. Investors face many choices as well as dealing with the uncertainties of the financial markets. We believe there are some guidelines that can help investors. While we are not investment advisors, we share these guidelines with you to assist you in your efforts to understand how to create wealth.
Guideline One: Have a financial planIf you do not have a plan it is hard to know where you are going and whether you are making progress towards your goals.
Guideline Two: DiversifySound diversification is fundamental to risk management. To diversify risk, your portfolio should contain investments from a variety of classes.
Guideline Three: Optimal PortfolioRisk is unavoidable in investing. Controlling the amount of risk is essential to safeguard your assets and optimize your returns. Components of assessing your investment decisions should be evaluated in light of your investment goals.
Required investment return;
Risk tolerance;
Reason for the investment; and
When you will need your investment returns, (time horizon)
Guideline 4: Cost ControlsYou need to be aware of the fees and commissions associated with your investment.
Guideline 5: Real ReturnReal returns are a measure of the return of an asset. Real returns need to be calculated with inflation in mind.
Guideline 6: DelegationIf you do not have the time, the talent or the training to manage your own portfolio you need the help of a professional advisor.
Call Peter Wu (214) 682-8888 cell

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

# 1 Broker Salesperson in Dallas, Texas

Peter Wu
AAA Realtors
Office: 214-682-8888

You've searched through listing after listing. You've gone to more open houses than you can count. You've asked so many questions you can't remember the answers. And then, after weeks, months, sometimes years of searching, you find your dream home. Now what?

Many of my first-time buyers are overwhelmed by the seemingly endless amount of numbers and jargon involved in real estate lending. From the interest rates to the closing costs and everything in between, oftentimes my clients have trouble making sense of it all. That's why it makes perfect sense to have someone whose experience and knowledge in real estate can help them make more informed decisions. Call or email me and we can sort it out together.

Peter Wu

AAA Realtors
Office: 214-682-8888

Chinese Free Translators and Interpreters

Translators and Interpreters
Translation from English to another language can be very important in order to know that you're communicating the precise words from one party to another. Hiring a professional that is fluent in Chinese, as well as English, is important especially for court documentation so each party knows what they are agreeing or disagreeing to. There are plenty of private websites advertising certified individuals that provide interpretation services for phrases, explanations, and can explain to you what you need to know. While simple words can easily be translated by a dictionary; long phrases may be too hard to do yourself, which is why there are translation and interpretation companies available with reasonable fees. Search the internet to find professional translators and interpreters in the language you're interested in. You will even find online that there are websites that will take a phrase and translate it from English to Chinese and vice versa for free. Electronic documents can be sent via email where a company can then translate it into the language you requested. This can be the fastest way, but you should always check a company's credentials and ensure that you will get back a properly translated document. While a dictionary can help you with simple phrases, long documents may be too hard for an inexperienced individual to translate it on their own. This is why using a professional translator can help you know that you're getting back exactly what the document says.
Call Peter Wu (214) 682-8888 for Service.

Ask For Referrals - Peter Wu 214-682-8888

Most real estate professionals will tell you to Ask For Referrals when you meet clients. Apparently, there is a time of when to do it best - for more effective results. I, on the other hand, think that asking for referrals is unnecessarily. Okay - the truth is that it's very UN-classy to me. (If you do it as part of your business routine, that's okay too. Each to his/ her own.)
I have done alot of Shameless things but asking for referrals is definitely not one of them. In my experience, I had never needed to ASK for referrals. Clients would just automatically refer their friends and family to me. I have clients who openly tells me that that's what they plan to do. I consider that the highest compliment.
I'm very thin-skinned. So, asking is not what I do best. Instead, I just treat others just like the way I want to be treated. I also put myself in their shoes to think and feel what I would want my realtor to do for me. Most often, maybe I do expect alot out of myself, I give alot of myself. That's what you should do and you will see all the referrals come in - without even asking for it!
Clients know how you earn a living. Everyone wants to be associated with the BEST. So, when you are the BEST in real estate, they automatically will refer you to anyone whom they hear is thinking about buying or selling. You dont have to teach them. It just happens. Really! Call Peter Wu at (214) 682-8888
AAA Realtors / OK Mortgage or Linda G. at (469) 567-0567 cell

Monday, July 28, 2008

Property Management (Dallas, Texas)

Property Management (Dallas, Texas)

A lot of real estate courses on the market are just motivational seminars with a thin coating of real estate education. These seminars and courses may be useful if they cause you to take charge of your financial destiny, but don’t go charging into your first deal without the right tools.
Many investors underestimate the amount of work that it takes to remodel and manage a property, and this causes them to bite off more than they can chew. I’ve bought more than one property from investors who purchased a house to remodel then grew tired of the effort before the work was done. It’s easy to underestimate rehab costs and effort when bidding on a property; don’t let your optimism lead you down the wrong path.
When a good opportunity surfaces you’ll have to make a decision quickly and act, but even under a deadline there is still time to run a basic financial evaluation. Do you expect the property’s revenue to cover expenses? Have you made allocations for future repairs? What rate of return do you expect for the property?Looking before you leap is probably the most important element in keeping your stride as an investor, and having a realistic view of the economics is the first step. The best way to keep your peace of mind is to make investments that offer an adequate return, which means you’ll need to do your homework.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Casino Business Broker

Casino Business Broker

Playboy Clubs held an image in the '60s and '70s as an environment where men in the know could relax, enjoying themselves with drink, the company of beautiful and scantily-dressed women, smoking, and even gambling. Perhaps the perception that those women employed there were thought of as servile led to the disappearance of the clubs as women's movements gained power.But as the '90s progressed, upscale strip clubs quickly revealed that the women in these sexist environments clearly held the upper hand; men clamored for attention as women raked in the money, and then danced to the next victim. A reconsideration of sexual roles led to the realization that Playboy might not have been such a repressive setting for women, after all.In 2006, the Palms Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas opened a Playboy Club in one of its towers. The only such Club in operation, it found a booming business, with men lining up to pay admission for the privilege of playing blackjack and other table games against Bunnies.Now it seems the Playboy Clubs may be once again in ascendance. Two sites in London are being investigated as potential Clubs, perhaps the advance move in a worldwide expansion.Gaming would almost certainly be a key part of the new Playboy Clubs; roulette and blackjack are expected to be made available at the London operation when it opens. The irony is that the Club in London was closed in 1981 for suspicions of gambling on the premises. No evidence was ever revealed, but all three English Clubs were put out of business.Now that magazine sales can no longer drive the empire, Playboy is looking to tie its beautiful women to the explosion in popularity of gambling. Combining wagering, smoking, drinking, and the eye candy of the Bunnies will give Playboy a chance to develop a business model envied by many.
Peter Wu

Business Owner - Business Broker in Dallas, Texas

The Most Important Factors In Starting A Home Based Business
You want to make sure that you start a business that you can be passionate about because this will help you make your business a success. So, if you want to start your own business but don't know what you want to do, all you need are home business ideas to help you get started.Here are some of the different home business ideas that you can use to start your own home business today.One: Start an eBay business This is easy to start and you can get started for free. All you need to do is to sign up for an account and then find the products that you want to sell. Once you have the products to sell, you set up an auction and then wait for it to sell. You can even sell products from your own eBay store if you want to.Two: Turn-key businesses are another great home based business to start because with these opportunities everything is set up for you. All you have to do is to get a domain name and sign up for web hosting. Then you get started advertising your new businessThree: Affiliate programs - You can start a home based business for free by promoting other people's products. You just find a couple of affiliate programs you want to promote and then sign up and start promoting them. A lot of people prefer this home business idea over others because you can get started immediately and you get everything you need to get started.Four: Create your own products - This is one of the home business ideas that will be harder to start your home based business with because you will have to set everything up yourself or hire someone to do it for you, which can get expensive. Products that you can create are eBooks, PLR packages, software and anything else that you know other people are looking for.These are just a few of the many different home business ideas you can use to start your home based business. There are so many others. You will want to do some research to find out about all of the different business opportunities that are available. Just remember that you want to choose your business carefully because your success will depend on you liking what you do.

Money Making Ideas, Insider Secrets And Tips For Making Money Online
An opportunity to do an Internet based home business offers plenty of advantages. It provides opportunity for stay at home moms, stay at home dads and flex time that you can use to do as you please.Choice of BusinessWhen deciding to go for a homebased business selection of the business type is crucial. Make a clear decision about what you want to do from home. Understand the requirements of your proposed business completely. Chart out all the requirements like space, equipment, storage, employees etc. Your requirements should fit in the supply you have-your home! Choice of appropriate business is very crucial for the success of an Internet HBB. Service oriented businesses can be profitably run from a home setup. But a manufacturing or a retail business may not bloom that well from a home environment. It would prove a costly mistake if you realize that the choice of business is wrong later. So select a business that is suitable to be successful home based Internet business.Procrastination & Lack of motivationIn the home environment with no one to boss you around, it is easy to feel relaxed. This will lead to procrastination and lack of motivation. To make your Internet HBB a success you need high degree of self-discipline. By adhering to a rightly structured plan of routine and keeping things well organized you can make your Internet home business flourish.Lack of Proper Promotion Of CompanyEvery business needs proper promotion. Internet based businesses needs more promotion than an office-based company as in-person communication is very less in an Internet based venture. But email newsletters are an effective way of promoting your IHBB. See that you participate in local chamber of commerce gatherings other industry related events and conferences. The visibility of your business would increase and more and more prospective clients will become aware of your products and services. Effective marketing and promotion is the key to a successful business venture and Internet home-based business is no exception to this.

Make Money Online Free Work At Home Guide Home Based Business...
Do you have a desire to start up your own business? Many people love the idea of having their own business and the freedom that it can give to you. Not only can it help you to be free financially, it can also help you to be free from the worries of working for somebody else. Of course, you don't need to quit your job simply because you start a business. What you do need to do, however, is to balance the two things so that one does not get in the way of the other. How is this possible? By choosing business ideas that will work for normal people.One of the best businesses that you can get into at this particular time, especially if you have a lot of other responsibilities is an Internet business. Don't let anybody tell you that an Internet business is either a scam or that it is easy money. As a matter of fact, it is neither of these. What an Internet business is, is a legitimate business that takes a lot of work to build and maintain. Of course, you can run one of these Internet businesses in your spare time if you have other things to do. If that is the case, here are some ideas on how to start up your Internet business and run it, even if you have another job.Article Writing - One of the most legitimate ways to make money on the Internet is by adding content to the Internet itself. You can do this on a website or a blog, it really doesn't matter. Just do a little bit of research on how to choose the proper keywords and then write the articles around the these. The traffic will follow eventually..
Call Peter Wu - Business Broker in Dallas, Texas and Las Vegas, NV. (214) 682-8888

Dallas Texas Real Estate

To Buy or Not to Buy, that Is the Question Sunday, July 20th 2008
Every month, week, and day, we buy things: lunch, coffee, dinner, a magazine or newspaper, a new pair of shoes, and every now and then, a car or boat.
Most people buy things without doing much comparison shopping, but instead draw upon their past experiences. When the counter help at the nearby coffeehouse was friendly and you liked the espresso, you’ll probably go back for more the next time you need your coffee.
Sometimes purchases lead you by association to related purchases. You get coffee, for instance, and buying a pastry or cookie naturally follows. By the same token, you buy a home, and before long you have a pet and gardening gloves.
You end up being really happy with some items you purchase; others are not so good. When the items in question don’t cost you much, it’s no big deal. Perhaps you return them or simply don’t buy more in the future. But when it comes to buying a house, that kind of irresponsible shopping can lead to financial and emotional catastrophe.
If you’re not willing to invest time, and if you don’t work with the best real estate agent, you could end up overpaying for a home you hate. My goals in this website are simple: to ensure that you’re happy with the home you buy, that you get the best deal you can, and that owning the home helps you to move forward with your financial goals. call (214) 682-8888 Peter Wu

Dallas Texas Lease Option

Lease Option
Lease Option is the act of controlling a property versus owning a property. You may not have money for a down payment or the credit rating to secure a loan.To understand the phrase "Lease Option;' simply break it apart. The first half is the "Lease” which is a contract wherein a landlord gives a tenant the right of use and possession of property for a limited period of time in return for rent. The second half is the "Option” which is a legal right or contract whereby a property owner sells a right to purchase his or her property to a prospective buyer at a pre-determined price.
People have been using this concept for decades. It has been called many different names such as layaway or rain check. People will put a small amount of money down to have the item or items held for them. They then make set payments for a designated time until they are able to take possession or full ownership. For those who do not know how to save, there are others who provide ways for them to have what they seek, commonly referred to as "renting or leasing.
The concept has developed so that today we now have the capability to have full use of things while we are still paying for them. We have installment sales and buying on credit. We have harnessed a way to join all of the sell, rent, use, and own process to benefit us. For years now it has been a common practice for consumers to lease automobiles for personal and company use, light and heavy machinery, and equipment. One can even rent or lease the tools needed to repair his or her car!
With the ever-changing face of real estate it was only natural for this concept to find its way into the market to help with frustrated sellers and buyers with less than optimal credit and money. It has become a viable concept in real estate to help all parties accomplish their objectives.
Lease Option is so simple that an agreement can be reached within hours. Plain language and forms can be used and transactions are easily structured so that everyone wins. Lease Option is a unique financing method providing alternatives to conventional lending and funding. It is the answer to the concept of nothing down. It is frequently negotiated profitably for all parties, and at times at a higher price yet still enabling the buyer a future profit.
If you need more information or planning buying or selling real estate in Dallas Texas do not hastate to contact me. (214) 682-8888 cell

Dallas Texas Tax Lien

Tax Lien
What a Tax Lien or Tax Certificate?Tax liens or tax certificates are a kind of real estate "paper" investment and, at the same time, a real estate foreclosure investment. Basically, in a majority of states, when a property owner doesn't pay his or her real property taxes, investors are given an opportunity to pay those delinquent taxes (plus any associated penalties, accrued interest and costs) on behalf of that owner at an annual sale generally termed simply a "tax sale".
When an investor pays the delinquent real property taxes on behalf of an owner of real estate, the investor gets, as evidence of such payment, a document generally referred to as a "tax certificate", "tax lien certificate", "certificate of purchase" or "certificate of sale".
When an investor pays the delinquent real property taxes on behalf of the property owner and receives a "tax certificate", the investor receives, with the certificate, an assignment of the real property tax lien.
A real estate paper investor might lend money to any owner of real estate, receiving, in return, a promissory note (evidencing the indebtedness) and a mortgage or deed of trust (securing the investment).
Similarly a tax lien/tax certificate investor might pay a real estate owner's delinquent real property taxes, receiving, in return, a tax certificate (evidencing the payment) and an assignment of the real property tax lien (securing the investment).
Call Peter Wu at (214) 682-8888 cell

short sale to avoid foreclosure

Short Sale to avoid Foreclosure 2008
Many homeowners today are finding themselves in a tough spot, as the value of their homes dip but their mortgage payments increase. If you are in financial trouble and must sell your house because you can’t make the payments, doing so before the bank gets involved increases the possibility that you’ll walk away with a little equity, or at very least, without damaging your credit. You may also be able to work with your lender to restructure your payments, delay them temporarily until you get back on your feet, or refinance your current loan - for example, with a 40-year, fixed rate mortgage or a adjustable-rate mortgage that locks in an interest rate for five or so years. Though you might not want the loan forever, it may keep you in your house for now, until the market stabilizes, home market rebounds, or your income increases.
Perhaps you’re already behind on your mortgage payments, or are worried that you won’t be able to sell your house for what you owe on it. In that case, you may have considered a real estate “short sale.” This is preferable to walking away from the property, because it doesn’t do the same damage to your credit.
With a short sale, the lender agrees to accept less than the full amount owed on the property. Lenders allow sellers to do this because foreclosures are expensive, and they stand to lose even more if that seems imminent.
However, short sales aren’t always great for the seller. For one thing, it can be tough to get your lender to allow the short sale. Even if it’s approved, the lender may drive a hard bargain - you may have to fight to get permission to sell your house for what you know it can bring on the open market.
Moreover, some short sales aren’t the end of the road - lenders have been known to include promissory notes in the paperwork leaving you on the hook for the remaining balance.
Furthermore, any amount your lender forgives is considered “income” to you. That means the lender will likely report it to the IRS, and you’ll have to pay income taxes on it. Although, past year (2007) congress passed the law which allows certain homeowners to do short sale and do not pay any taxes on “income”. If you leave in New Jersey and would like to know more about this law and if you can qualify, please send me an email and I will gladly assist you.
While it’s true that a short sale is preferable to foreclosure, which can seriously damage your credit and make it much more difficult and expensive for you to buy a house in the future, you’re better off selling on your own, if you can, Of course, with foreclosure looming, a quick sale works best - even if it means getting a little less cash and in this case would be the best option. In future, I’ll give you some tips for making your house attractive to prospective buyers so that you can try to get out of the market before turning to the bank.
Call Peter Wu at (214) 682-8888 cell

Friday, July 25, 2008

Internet Marketing

WCCC Internet Marketing Round Table: How to dominate the search engines with 7 proven strategies to creating strong web presence
When there are yarn balls being tossed around and an oversized golf club being used as a pointer, you know Corey Perlman has brought his eBoot Camp to town. Corey will share his seven proven strategies to creating a powerful Web Presence that will enable his audience to dominate the search engines and flood traffic to their Website.
"This workshop was absolutely incredible," said Preston Smyth of Detroit, Michigan. "I personally gained knowledge that will help grow my business. Getting the info on sending out articles, wow! Well worth the price. All I need to do now is apply!"
Corey Perlman has been a student of Internet Marketing for over ten years. He has a Master's Degree in Marketing from Florida State University and spent three years working with the eCommerce division of General Motors. During his tenure with GM, he participated in a 37 city tour; teaching over 3000 dealership personnel how to do business through the power of the internet. Corey has conducted numerous Internet marketing seminars to public audiences as well as small and mid size companies.
Mark Lang and Mark Maupin host the Internet Club on the second Thursday of each month, from 6pm to 9pm. He looks forward to seeing many new faces at this event. Not a member? Not a problem! Join us for the meeting and we will get you signed up.
Call (214) 682-8888

Suicide - Only One Way Out 214-682-8888

Massachusetts mother Carlene Balderrama was so despondent over the imminent foreclosure on her home and the family's dire finances that she apparently saw only one way out: suicide.
Balderrama, 53, hadn't paid the mortgage on the three-bedroom house she lived in with her husband in 42 months, the Boston Herald reported. John Balderrama said he had no idea.
“I had no clue,” he told The Associated Press. He said that unbeknownst to him, his wife had been fielding letters from the mortgage company, PHH Mortgage Corp., and shredding them.
Police investigating her shooting say all the evidence points toward the conclusion that Balderrama took her own life.
“We’re still investigating, but it definitely appears to be a suicide,” Taunton Police Chief Raymond O’Berg told the Boston Herald Thursday.
The Bristol County District Attorney's Office concurs.
“We might look at finances if we thought there was foul play, but all signs point to it being a suicide," spokesman Gregg Miliote told the Herald. "We’ll see where the investigation takes us.”
House Foreclosures Rise 14 Percent in Second Quarter, More Than Double From a Year Ago
Massachusetts Woman Commits Suicide Before Home Foreclosure

Balderrama faxed a letter to her mortgage company about 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday warning that she'd be dead by the time they foreclosed on her house later that day.
She was.
Balderrama apparently shot herself once with her husband's high-powered rifle. Her body was found at 3:30 p.m., after PHH Mortgage called the police.
The mother of a 24-year-old son also apparently left her family a suicide note, discovered next to her body.
"Take the insurance money and pay for the house," she wrote.
It's unclear whether or not John Balderrama, who works as a plumber, will be able to collect money on his wife's life insurance policy, according to the Herald.
“She put in her suicide note that it got overwhelming for her,” he told the paper.
The $232,000 home in Taunton, Mass., about 35 miles south of Boston, was to have been auctioned off at 5 p.m. Tuesday. Interested buyers arrived to take a look while Balderrama's body was still inside, according to O'Berg.
O'Berg said Balderrama's fax read, in part, "By the time you foreclose on my house I'll be dead."
John Balderrama had tried to file for bankruptcy three times since the family purchased the house in 2002, the Herald reported. On two occasions, PHH Mortgage began foreclosure proceedings.
Balderrama's husband was earning about $95,000 a year as a plumber as of April 2006, according to the Herald, and reported bringing in $6,932 a month after taxes.
Click here for more on this story from the Boston Herald.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

short sale 214-682-8888

Short Sale 214-682-8888 cell

Are you searching for real estate deal that could save you a lot of money and at the identical time provides you outstanding real estate? A short sale may be the type of real estate deal that you need. With the foreclosure marketplace making historic highs and the snap of booming towns like Denver, San Francisco, and Seattle, short sales are becoming one of the most best-selling real estate purchasing methods in the real estate marketplace today.
A short sale calls for the buyer to have extensive cognition of both the real estate and the lending markets. Having the right tools in the real estate purchaser’s toolbox can save time and more important money. When you take on a short sale, you are grappling with two companies that are pressing to move a deal. The foremost company is the property owner who is in danger of being foreclosed or going insolvent and the second party is the bank that wants to cut its loses and get out of the mortgage taking at to the lowest degree any of the money back.
In the three stages of foreclosure, the parties of a short sale have chances to make negotiations with the loss mitigation department. Each stage has its gains and drawbacks, but time is the most important component when looking at each respective stage. With the number of foreclosures occurring all over the country, the time to create a short sale is now. As an investor, it is prudent to have cognition about both the property and the mortgage owner.
When searching remember to explore the real estate laws in your nation or the state that you are moving to participate in a short sale. Each state has different laws concerning the purchasing and selling of mortgages and your state might have particular foreclosure laws that might forbid you from making the kind of net profit you would like to produce. Laws can also dictate interest rates and the amount of savings you are allowed to earn.
It might be prudent to study a course in real estate purchases so you can go into the short sale armed to the teeth with knowledge or you can engage an agent that knows the ropes in short sales. This way you can pay up an upfront fee or commission and know that you are getting the best service for your money spent.
Prior to losing your house to foreclosure or bankruptcy think about another alternative, Call Peter Wu
at (214) 682-8888 cell

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Best of The Best in Town !!! Dalllas, Texas or Las Vegas, NV.

Most contacts in the Eleventh District reported steady, moderate economic growth in June and early July. The main exception was home builders, who reported a steeper decline in demand. Most contacts reported increased concern about price pressures and uncertainty about the national outlook. Rising prices for energy and transportation were reported as boosting costs for a wide range of industries and were said to be likely to lead to future increases in final product prices.
PricesContinued increases in energy and commodity prices are negatively affecting a wide range of industries. Many producers report that profit margins have been squeezed and that productivity gains are no longer sufficient to hold off product price increases. Because existing price contracts and many retailers require up to six months notice of price increases, many firms report that they plan to raise prices significantly in the second half of this year.
Since early June, light sweet crude prices have been fluctuating while setting record highs. Natural gas prices have also been high and volatile. Natural gas inventories are well below the inflated levels of last year. Futures prices for distillates (heating oil and diesel), spot gasoline, and oil- and natural gas-based chemicals have also increased sharply over the past six weeks.
Labor MarketThe labor market remained relatively tight, but most respondents reported flat to only slightly increasing payrolls. Respondents in slumping industries, such as those tied to construction of single-family homes, reported some reductions in hours worked and making some job cuts through attrition. Many respondents continued to report difficulty hiring skilled workers such as engineers, mechanics and certain administrative personnel. Overall wage pressures remain mild, but respondents reported an increasing number of workers asking for cost-of-living increases. One respondent also noted that the upcoming increase in the minimum wage will significantly increase the firm's wage costs.
ManufacturingProducers of materials used in home construction-such as brick, stone and lumber--reported continued weak conditions. Several construction-related manufacturing respondents reported larger than desired inventories and said that they are reducing production to bring inventories down. Although overall lumber prices are falling, some lumber producers in the District report that rising energy, freight and import costs have led them to increase prices.
Although still solid and above year-ago levels, demand for commercial construction materials continued to soften and is expected to weaken steadily. Respondents in fabricated metal production said that demand was flat to slightly down, that backlogs are decreasing and that new orders and expectations of declining nonresidential building suggest further weakening. Primary metal producers report that sales have been flat to slightly down while costs have shot up. One contact reported that his natural gas bill increased 100 percent over a year ago.
High-tech manufacturers reported continued moderate sales growth. Firms selling products outside the U.S. with most inputs priced in dollars are performing well. Semiconductors are seeing upward pressure on prices, although a recent effort to raise prices did not stick. Demand was reported as steady for communication devices. Sales to Asia remained strong but were weak in the U.S. and Western Europe.
Demand in the food products industry has been moderate with contacts reporting some recent improvement in sales growth. While demand from restaurants has slowed slightly, a pickup in retail demand has more than offset the slowing. High food prices continue to be a major concern, and manufacturers of processed food report that they have not yet been able to pass along all of the increases. Specialty transportation manufacturers such as aircraft parts and emergency vehicles say that sales remain solid and their outlook is positive. Oil-based ethylene producers are operating at relatively low rates, while those that use natural gas are enjoying large cost advantages and operating full out. Meanwhile, demand for polyethylene is strong because weak domestic sales have been offset by strong exports.
Retail SalesRetail sales were mixed--with discount stores reporting stronger sales and other retailers reporting flat to slightly declining sales. Transportation costs and prices of commodity-based products and imported goods continue to rise, squeezing profit margins. Inventories were reported at desired levels, and employment was up for firms with new stores but down for individual store locations. One contact reported that accounts past due have increased recently. Most retailers said that their outlook for the remainder of the year is grim because consumer budgets are tight and the economy is weak.
Auto dealers reported mixed demand. The switch to small, fuel efficient cars has continued and has led to a shortage of such vehicles. Consumers are paying sticker prices for some small cars while domestic auto producers are offering rebates and large discounts, especially on trucks.
ServicesDemand for temporary staffing services picked up slightly over the past six weeks. Orders were strongest for professional and technical workers in IT, accounting, energy and engineering services. Demand for entry-level clerical work remained weak, but demand for HR professionals and manufacturing workers edged up. One contact noted that the labor market in Texas is doing much better than in other parts of the country.
Demand for legal services continued to grow moderately, with most of the growth concentrated in litigation and bankruptcy. With the exception of continued strength in oil and gas, legal services to support transactions have declined. Demand for accounting services remained modest.
Trucking companies reported reduced shipping volumes in the last month. Import volumes have declined and are not being completely offset by exports. Record fuel prices, along with price increases in almost every area of operations are having a major impact on the industry. Railroad cargo volumes have been steady over the last 30 days. Rail shipments of residential construction materials continued on a downward trend and those of nonresidential building materials were only up slightly. Rail shipments of primary forest material--a leading indicator for residential construction-have edged up over the last four weeks. Shipments of motor vehicles fell sharply.
Airline demand has not changed much since the last survey. In response to rising jet fuel prices, airlines are reducing capacity, laying-off workers, and increasing fares.
Construction and Real EstateHomebuilders said that traffic and sales weakened fairly significantly in June, following weak but steady demand earlier in the spring. As a result, the pace of single-family building activity has declined at a rapid pace. Contacts said a number of factors--such as a weak stock market and higher gasoline and food prices--have weakened demand. On a more positive note, inventories of unsold homes continued to decline, especially at the lower end, and prices were holding up. There was some concern, however, about the large inventory of vacant lots and reduced funds for real estate lending.
Respondents say that nonresidential construction activity is beginning to slow and there are signs that activity may decline further. Commercial real estate respondents noted a continued decline in investment deals getting done, particularly for larger projects. There were reports of a general drying up of liquidity in the market and a flight of capital out of real estate. On the upside, higher quality assets did not see a major deterioration in value. Industrial and office leasing continued to weaken.
Financial ServicesFinancial services contacts reported that although there has been no significant decline in credit quality, they expect deterioration in coming months. In particular, the quality of mortgage and consumer loans is a concern as home prices soften and consumer budgets are strained. Contacts say that the increased cost of capital has induced them to widen loan interest rate spreads and to tighten non price terms of credit. Competition for deposits is very tough, and lenders are turning to other sources of liquidity. Commercial lending activity remains fairly solid.
EnergyRising energy prices have pushed oil and natural gas drilling sharply higher in recent months. Land-based drilling directed to unconventional sources of natural gas has seen the largest gains. Drilling companies are adding jobs but report having difficulty finding workers with the skills they need.
AgricultureRecent rains have provided some relief in most parts of the District suffering from drought-like conditions. Crop prices continue to be favorable and are helping offset high fuel, fertilizer and other production expenses to some degree. High feed costs and low hay and corn feed supplies have weakened prices for stocker cattle and are hurting livestock producers.

Call Peter Wu 214-682-8888 or Linda 469-569-0567
or Judi Rock (702) 577-7112
for your Real Estate Needs in Dallas, Texas or Las Vegas, Nevada.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dallas Texas The Best of The Best Real Estate / Mortgage Service

Welcome to AAA Realtors, your source for Plano real estate.
In today's competitive real estate market, timing is everything. Many good homes are sold before they are ever advertised. Beat other homebuyers to the hottest new homes for sale in Plano with my New Listings Notification.
If you own real estate that you're thinking of selling, I would be happy to provide you with a FREE Home Evaluation.
AAA Realtors
Call Peter Wu or Linda Montaniel
(214)682-8888 cell

Whether you are buying or selling a home, hire someone like me, who wants to earn your business. I invite you to contact me as I'd be happy to assist you with this important transaction.
In addition, if you have any general questions about buying or selling real estate in Texas, please contact me as I'm more than willing to help.
Please browse my website for listings, reports and important local real estate information.Sincerely,Peter WuAAA Realtors
214-682-8888 cell

Monday, July 21, 2008

Reverse Mortgage # 1 Article

Charlie Houssiere's Article Number One on Reverse Mortages and Foreclosure Prevention

Charlie Houssiere, Houston Business Show Advisor on Mortgage Issues, recently wrote an article on How Reverse Mortgages Can Prevent Foreclosures. That article recently showed up number one in a Google Blog Search. In it, houssiere wrote:
Now you can stop a foreclosure with a Reverse Mortgage, which is not hard money or balloon loan that someone is normally pressured to get when facing a foreclosure. But a reverse mortgage can serve as a lifeline that saves one who is in danger of losing their home to foreclosure in the case of seniors aged 62-plus. A lot of seniors live with fixed incomes and are struggling due to the high cost of living. Numerous seniors have been left with an impossible decision to make, due to the rising costs of everything, from food and gasoline to new medical expenses. Even some of the adjustable rate mortgage programs that some seniors have found themselves taking have been on the rise. Some seniors may have chosen this option because they were misinformed or because they felt it was their only way of maintaining a low monthly payment. How do they decide what do? Do they make their mortgage payment instead of buying food and medicine? As seniors realize they are near or entering foreclosure, they have additional stress related to these decisions. Now here is the good stuff! No income or credit qualification is required in reverse mortgages. This can mean that even though you may have fallen behind on your mortgage repayments and the lender has filed a default notice, it may be possible for you to get a new reverse mortgage and avoid making another payment for life. This may be just the thing to help you or a loved one live free from fear, as long as you meet all of the other reverse mortgage criteria. What exactly are the requirements for a reverse mortgage? For the HUD government-insured mortgage, a borrower must be at least aged 62. There are programs with lower age limits, but they tend to offer you a correspondingly lower percentage of your house's value. There are guidelines that HUD has decided upon that your property must meet, and it also must be a type of property that is accepted. Be sure to let your reverse mortgage lender know what type of property you have and if you are subject to a homeowner's association, if your zoning is not residential, or if your property contains excess acreage; single family residences, town homes, modular homes on permanent foundations, condominiums are all generally acceptable but there may be additional requirements if you have anything other than a single family detached home. While some repairs can have funds set aside until they’re completed, your property will be expected to be maintained in a reasonably well condition and require no major repairs. Actually, the sole credit requirement is that, where a federal obligation or a federally insured loan is concerned, borrowers cannot be in default. This means that if you are in default on an SBA loan, an FHA insured mortgage or other federal obligation; you would not be eligible for a reverse mortgage. So you can still receive a reverse mortgage if the present delinquent mortgage is an FHA loan but has not had a notice of default filed yet. It would be necessary that the borrower bring in funds to cure the default before the reverse mortgage could proceed once the notice of default has been filed. Those funds could be procured from any number of places such as family or close friends. The borrower will never have to make another payment for life once the reverse mortgage has been funded and finalized! In order that a reverse mortgage loan not be a four or five day loan, the borrower(s) must be counseled, the loan must be processed (including property appraisal,) and all title issues must be reviewed, including trusts, conservatorships, etc. If you are going to use a reverse mortgage to halt a foreclosure, you must start on this process as soon as possible. If you or a loved one decide to look into a reverse mortgage, be sure to contact a reverse mortgage specialist to ask questions and see if it is your best option. Charlie Houssiere, Mortgage Loan Credit Specialists with Secure Mortgage Company, specializes in helping to show his clients their hidden retirement account. If you are in Dallas, Texas please call (214) 682-8888 Now !!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Plano, Texas # 1 in the Nation (CNN News)

Small town life may mean big money
Plano, Texas, beats New York City if building wealth is your goal, according to a new survey.

NEW YORK ( -- If you'd like to build a nest egg with your paycheck, it may be time to give up New York and head for Plano, Texas.
A survey by pay experts at evaluated 69 cities with more than 250,000 people and ranked the Big Apple last. Plano came in first among American cities in which to build personal wealth.
The survey, based on census data and analysis, focused on local salaries, the cost of living and unemployment. Secondary factors, such as diversity of the local economy, residents' education, percentage of population below poverty level and commute time were also measured.
According to the survey, the top five cities are home to some of the nation's largest companies and have recorded strong periods of growth. Following first-place Plano came Aurora, Colo., Omaha, Neb., Minneapolis and Albuquerque N.M.
New York's diverse economy and highly-educated residents couldn't save it from sinking to the bottom due to its high cost of living and paychecks that just aren't "inflated" enough to make up the difference, the report stated.
Following last-ranked New York were Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Honolulu and San Francisco.
First Published: June 30, 2008: 3:20 PM EDT

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Plano, Texas # 1 in the Nation !!!

Let me help you to find a good investment in Plano, Texas.
Call (214) 682-8888 ask for Peter
or (469) 569-0567 ask for Linda

Dallas Real Eatate Guru

Resume for Fu-sung Peter Wu     08/08/2008
Chairman of Global Currents in Taiwan
Supporting Dr. Ma, Ying-jeou ( President of Taiwan ROC 2008 )
(214) 682-8888 cell
(702) 577-7112 cell
1545 K Ave. Suite 165 Plano, Tx. 75074

AAA Realtors; 777 Realty & OK Business Opportunity Broker in Texas & Nevada. 
Broker-Owner / Business Broker
Business/Commercial/Residential/Property Management/Leasing
Foreclosure / Short Sale Specialist !!!
Digital Internet Network Marketing !!!
100 % Commission Agency Worldwide !!!
No Monthly Fee !!! Call Now (214) 682-8888 ask for Peter Wu

Century 21 Gold Wu; AAA Realtors; 777 Realty
Owner-Designated Broker since Dec/1978.
( Texas & Nevada Real Estate Broker / Business Broker )
OK Mortgage / Owner-Mortgage Broker since Jan/2001.
( Mortgage Broker ) apply real time online now !!!
FHA; Conventional; VA; SBA Loans; Hot Money Loans.

OK Insurance Agency / Broker since July/2001
AIG Full Lines Product – Life & Health & Disability Insurance
Farmers Property & Casualty – Auto / Homeowner / Business

Texas Instrument – SAP Engineer from 1997 to 2001.
Biology & Chemistry Teacher in Yang-mei Senior High.

US Citizenship.

Target Market: Asian Niche Market

Master in International Management from UT at Dallas.
( 1976 – 1979 )

B.S. – Biology from National Taiwan Normal University
( 1973 )

Hobby: Golf, Casino-Baccarat.


Lions Club in Las Vegas
One World Community Center
Church in Dallas

Dallas Real Eatate & Mortgage

Peter Wu
AAA Realtors
Office: 214-682-8888

While everybody appreciates a surprise on occasion, nobody likes to be surprised when fielding purchase offers for their home. Unfortunately, most sales fall through because of unforeseen complications such as encroachments, title issues and assessments.

As your real estate professional, my job is to eliminate the surprises. In the current market, every offer is potentially the last offer, and most sellers simply cannot afford to let one get away. Let's put together a plan to prevent any surprises on the way to getting your home sold. Call or email me today!

Peter Wu

AAA Realtors
Office: 214-682-8888

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dallas Real Eatate & Mortgage

First off a short sale is a situation where the home owner owes more than market value on thier home. The term short sale has been seen more and more lately due to the decline in home values over the past 1+ year. On top of that there are also several loans such as an ARM that has come time to adjust and the home owner is unable to refinance their home loan. This causes them to fall behind in payments starting the foreclosure process on their home.
A short sale works like this. The seller gets an offer on their home (below what they owe). They than submit that offer to their lender (usually working with a Realtor) for approval along with a bunch of other paperwork (Tax Returns, W2s, Bank Statements, Hardship Letter, etc). If the bank thinks they can just cut their losses with the home more than likely they will take the offer. If not they may want to counter the offer.
What does this mean to you? Well if you are selling your home you will need to be aware that these homes are out there as they will more than likely compete with your home for showings. Chances are they will also undercut your price on your home in order to make sure they get an offer. The good news is, a lot of buyers to not want to take the time to purchase a short sale home as it can take 30-60-90 days to get a response and the condition of the home is typically less than perfect.
What does this mean to you if you are buying a home? Well if you need to move right away or do not have the patience to wait a short sale out these may not be a good fit. If you do have the time and patience you may be able to find a nice price on your next home.
There are pros and cons for both. It is our job to do our best to walk you through each scenario and do what is best for you. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email me at or Call (214) 682-8888
ask for Peter Wu