Sunday, August 9, 2009 Internet FREE MONEY !!!

What the heck is ijango?
ijango is an easy-to-use, fully customizable, powerful, Internet Portal Software program. The ijango portal software allows you to visually arrange (and re-arrange whenever you would like) the contents of your portal software (home page or main page).

Portal software is software that gives you (the user) a single entry point into all of the content of the World Wide WEB (WWW). Think of it as your main page or home page. When you get on your computer and want to search the WEB, check the news, check out the sports headlines, shop your favorite store, socialize or whatever else you might want to do – you can pre-arrange all of your favorite sites or applications as part of your home page, making navigating the WEB and working on the computer much easier, more enjoyable and more personalized.

Widgets are small icons. Each of these icons or widgets represents a WEB site. ijango currently has hundreds of these widgets or icons available on their portal (home page) for you to select from (eventually we will have thousands). Widgets allow you to set up your home page the way you want it to look. They are categorized for you on the ijango Dashboard under the HOME page tab where it says ADD STUFF. Whatever you want to exhibit on your HOME page – just click on the appropriate Widget and it will appear on your Home page.

The Dashboard of the ijango portal home page is like the Dashboard on your car. It gives you information. The Dashboard of the ijango home page gives you several main categories of information to choose from: HOME – which is like the garage of your home, it's where you are when you are deciding where you want to go on the WEB. It is also where you personalize your home page by choosing widgets (see above) or items you always want displayed on your home page. NEWS: which has many sub-categories to choose from, SOCIAL: which allows you to interact and socialize with other ijango users, SHOP: which has hundreds of stores to choose from, MUSIC: which gives you the ability to play and/or download music from thousands of sources, GAMES: which gives you many game playing options and the last tab showing the most recent search you did on the WEB

The Windshield of the ijango portal home page is directly above the Dashboard. It gives you the ability to dictate where you are going and choose how you are going to get there when searching the WEB. It displays the ijango logo and gives you the option of seeing and searching the WEB using your choice of Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Instant results from any search are displayed on your ijango home page.
IJANGO is designed to make your internet experience more personalized, easier to use and just plain fun! IJANGO I LOVE YOU!

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