Tuesday, July 29, 2008

# 1 Broker Salesperson in Dallas, Texas

Peter Wu
AAA Realtors
Office: 214-682-8888

You've searched through listing after listing. You've gone to more open houses than you can count. You've asked so many questions you can't remember the answers. And then, after weeks, months, sometimes years of searching, you find your dream home. Now what?

Many of my first-time buyers are overwhelmed by the seemingly endless amount of numbers and jargon involved in real estate lending. From the interest rates to the closing costs and everything in between, oftentimes my clients have trouble making sense of it all. That's why it makes perfect sense to have someone whose experience and knowledge in real estate can help them make more informed decisions. Call or email me and we can sort it out together.

Peter Wu

AAA Realtors
Office: 214-682-8888

Chinese Free Translators and Interpreters www.ok8888.com

Translators and Interpreters
Translation from English to another language can be very important in order to know that you're communicating the precise words from one party to another. Hiring a professional that is fluent in Chinese, as well as English, is important especially for court documentation so each party knows what they are agreeing or disagreeing to. There are plenty of private websites advertising certified individuals that provide interpretation services for phrases, explanations, and can explain to you what you need to know. While simple words can easily be translated by a dictionary; long phrases may be too hard to do yourself, which is why there are translation and interpretation companies available with reasonable fees. Search the internet to find professional translators and interpreters in the language you're interested in. You will even find online that there are websites that will take a phrase and translate it from English to Chinese and vice versa for free. Electronic documents can be sent via email where a company can then translate it into the language you requested. This can be the fastest way, but you should always check a company's credentials and ensure that you will get back a properly translated document. While a dictionary can help you with simple phrases, long documents may be too hard for an inexperienced individual to translate it on their own. This is why using a professional translator can help you know that you're getting back exactly what the document says.
Call Peter Wu (214) 682-8888 for Service.

Ask For Referrals - Peter Wu 214-682-8888

Most real estate professionals will tell you to Ask For Referrals when you meet clients. Apparently, there is a time of when to do it best - for more effective results. I, on the other hand, think that asking for referrals is unnecessarily. Okay - the truth is that it's very UN-classy to me. (If you do it as part of your business routine, that's okay too. Each to his/ her own.)
I have done alot of Shameless things but asking for referrals is definitely not one of them. In my experience, I had never needed to ASK for referrals. Clients would just automatically refer their friends and family to me. I have clients who openly tells me that that's what they plan to do. I consider that the highest compliment.
I'm very thin-skinned. So, asking is not what I do best. Instead, I just treat others just like the way I want to be treated. I also put myself in their shoes to think and feel what I would want my realtor to do for me. Most often, maybe I do expect alot out of myself, I give alot of myself. That's what you should do and you will see all the referrals come in - without even asking for it!
Clients know how you earn a living. Everyone wants to be associated with the BEST. So, when you are the BEST in real estate, they automatically will refer you to anyone whom they hear is thinking about buying or selling. You dont have to teach them. It just happens. Really! Call Peter Wu at (214) 682-8888
AAA Realtors / OK Mortgage or Linda G. at (469) 567-0567 cell

Monday, July 28, 2008

Property Management (Dallas, Texas) www.ok8888.com

Property Management (Dallas, Texas)

A lot of real estate courses on the market are just motivational seminars with a thin coating of real estate education. These seminars and courses may be useful if they cause you to take charge of your financial destiny, but don’t go charging into your first deal without the right tools.
Many investors underestimate the amount of work that it takes to remodel and manage a property, and this causes them to bite off more than they can chew. I’ve bought more than one property from investors who purchased a house to remodel then grew tired of the effort before the work was done. It’s easy to underestimate rehab costs and effort when bidding on a property; don’t let your optimism lead you down the wrong path.
When a good opportunity surfaces you’ll have to make a decision quickly and act, but even under a deadline there is still time to run a basic financial evaluation. Do you expect the property’s revenue to cover expenses? Have you made allocations for future repairs? What rate of return do you expect for the property?Looking before you leap is probably the most important element in keeping your stride as an investor, and having a realistic view of the economics is the first step. The best way to keep your peace of mind is to make investments that offer an adequate return, which means you’ll need to do your homework.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Casino Business Broker www.ok8888.com

Casino Business Broker

Playboy Clubs held an image in the '60s and '70s as an environment where men in the know could relax, enjoying themselves with drink, the company of beautiful and scantily-dressed women, smoking, and even gambling. Perhaps the perception that those women employed there were thought of as servile led to the disappearance of the clubs as women's movements gained power.But as the '90s progressed, upscale strip clubs quickly revealed that the women in these sexist environments clearly held the upper hand; men clamored for attention as women raked in the money, and then danced to the next victim. A reconsideration of sexual roles led to the realization that Playboy might not have been such a repressive setting for women, after all.In 2006, the Palms Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas opened a Playboy Club in one of its towers. The only such Club in operation, it found a booming business, with men lining up to pay admission for the privilege of playing blackjack and other table games against Bunnies.Now it seems the Playboy Clubs may be once again in ascendance. Two sites in London are being investigated as potential Clubs, perhaps the advance move in a worldwide expansion.Gaming would almost certainly be a key part of the new Playboy Clubs; roulette and blackjack are expected to be made available at the London operation when it opens. The irony is that the Club in London was closed in 1981 for suspicions of gambling on the premises. No evidence was ever revealed, but all three English Clubs were put out of business.Now that magazine sales can no longer drive the empire, Playboy is looking to tie its beautiful women to the explosion in popularity of gambling. Combining wagering, smoking, drinking, and the eye candy of the Bunnies will give Playboy a chance to develop a business model envied by many.
Peter Wu

Business Owner - Business Broker in Dallas, Texas


The Most Important Factors In Starting A Home Based Business
You want to make sure that you start a business that you can be passionate about because this will help you make your business a success. So, if you want to start your own business but don't know what you want to do, all you need are home business ideas to help you get started.Here are some of the different home business ideas that you can use to start your own home business today.One: Start an eBay business This is easy to start and you can get started for free. All you need to do is to sign up for an account and then find the products that you want to sell. Once you have the products to sell, you set up an auction and then wait for it to sell. You can even sell products from your own eBay store if you want to.Two: Turn-key businesses are another great home based business to start because with these opportunities everything is set up for you. All you have to do is to get a domain name and sign up for web hosting. Then you get started advertising your new businessThree: Affiliate programs - You can start a home based business for free by promoting other people's products. You just find a couple of affiliate programs you want to promote and then sign up and start promoting them. A lot of people prefer this home business idea over others because you can get started immediately and you get everything you need to get started.Four: Create your own products - This is one of the home business ideas that will be harder to start your home based business with because you will have to set everything up yourself or hire someone to do it for you, which can get expensive. Products that you can create are eBooks, PLR packages, software and anything else that you know other people are looking for.These are just a few of the many different home business ideas you can use to start your home based business. There are so many others. You will want to do some research to find out about all of the different business opportunities that are available. Just remember that you want to choose your business carefully because your success will depend on you liking what you do.

Money Making Ideas, Insider Secrets And Tips For Making Money Online
An opportunity to do an Internet based home business offers plenty of advantages. It provides opportunity for stay at home moms, stay at home dads and flex time that you can use to do as you please.Choice of BusinessWhen deciding to go for a homebased business selection of the business type is crucial. Make a clear decision about what you want to do from home. Understand the requirements of your proposed business completely. Chart out all the requirements like space, equipment, storage, employees etc. Your requirements should fit in the supply you have-your home! Choice of appropriate business is very crucial for the success of an Internet HBB. Service oriented businesses can be profitably run from a home setup. But a manufacturing or a retail business may not bloom that well from a home environment. It would prove a costly mistake if you realize that the choice of business is wrong later. So select a business that is suitable to be successful home based Internet business.Procrastination & Lack of motivationIn the home environment with no one to boss you around, it is easy to feel relaxed. This will lead to procrastination and lack of motivation. To make your Internet HBB a success you need high degree of self-discipline. By adhering to a rightly structured plan of routine and keeping things well organized you can make your Internet home business flourish.Lack of Proper Promotion Of CompanyEvery business needs proper promotion. Internet based businesses needs more promotion than an office-based company as in-person communication is very less in an Internet based venture. But email newsletters are an effective way of promoting your IHBB. See that you participate in local chamber of commerce gatherings other industry related events and conferences. The visibility of your business would increase and more and more prospective clients will become aware of your products and services. Effective marketing and promotion is the key to a successful business venture and Internet home-based business is no exception to this.

Make Money Online Free Work At Home Guide Home Based Business...
Do you have a desire to start up your own business? Many people love the idea of having their own business and the freedom that it can give to you. Not only can it help you to be free financially, it can also help you to be free from the worries of working for somebody else. Of course, you don't need to quit your job simply because you start a business. What you do need to do, however, is to balance the two things so that one does not get in the way of the other. How is this possible? By choosing business ideas that will work for normal people.One of the best businesses that you can get into at this particular time, especially if you have a lot of other responsibilities is an Internet business. Don't let anybody tell you that an Internet business is either a scam or that it is easy money. As a matter of fact, it is neither of these. What an Internet business is, is a legitimate business that takes a lot of work to build and maintain. Of course, you can run one of these Internet businesses in your spare time if you have other things to do. If that is the case, here are some ideas on how to start up your Internet business and run it, even if you have another job.Article Writing - One of the most legitimate ways to make money on the Internet is by adding content to the Internet itself. You can do this on a website or a blog, it really doesn't matter. Just do a little bit of research on how to choose the proper keywords and then write the articles around the these. The traffic will follow eventually..
Call Peter Wu - Business Broker in Dallas, Texas and Las Vegas, NV.
www.ok8888.com (214) 682-8888 777Realty@gmail.com

Dallas Texas Real Estate www.ok8888.com

To Buy or Not to Buy, that Is the Question Sunday, July 20th 2008
Every month, week, and day, we buy things: lunch, coffee, dinner, a magazine or newspaper, a new pair of shoes, and every now and then, a car or boat.
Most people buy things without doing much comparison shopping, but instead draw upon their past experiences. When the counter help at the nearby coffeehouse was friendly and you liked the espresso, you’ll probably go back for more the next time you need your coffee.
Sometimes purchases lead you by association to related purchases. You get coffee, for instance, and buying a pastry or cookie naturally follows. By the same token, you buy a home, and before long you have a pet and gardening gloves.
You end up being really happy with some items you purchase; others are not so good. When the items in question don’t cost you much, it’s no big deal. Perhaps you return them or simply don’t buy more in the future. But when it comes to buying a house, that kind of irresponsible shopping can lead to financial and emotional catastrophe.
If you’re not willing to invest time, and if you don’t work with the best real estate agent, you could end up overpaying for a home you hate. My goals in this website are simple: to ensure that you’re happy with the home you buy, that you get the best deal you can, and that owning the home helps you to move forward with your financial goals. call (214) 682-8888 Peter Wu